You and Me and Murphy Makes Three

I’ve recently jumped ship from a blog about single life, to more of a lifestyle blog about my life (sans style), with a dog and a boy. I thought I had quite the niche going with me going on and on about my insecurities and never ending stories of jerks being jerks…turns out God had a different plan for me, and I’d like to give him credit.

I had a minor life crisis in reconstructing a blog that I had just started to get knee-deep into. I had to sit and ask myself (literally), what is it about writing that is therapeutic for me? The answer lies somewhere in the freedom to write, erase, type, delete and construct something that feels spontaneous but in actuality took quite a bit of preparation. You see, most of us in person are crappy at saying the right things at the right time. But in writing…you’re “write” all the time. Get it?

I read somewhere recently that most lifestyle blogs are run by stay-at-home moms with time/energy and most importantly, money, to feature beautiful photos of homemade jam and holiday knick-knacks. I am not one of these people…yet.

In the meantime I think you, reader, might instead enjoy the random goings-on inside the head of a seemingly put-together girl with a crazy dog and wonderfully goofy boyfriend.

And because life is not perfect…this blog will not school you on how to perfectly tie your apron or make you feel bad for not understanding why homemade pie crust beats the store-bought kind. I do not bash these people, I instead envy them. Especially on those rare days where I get to sleep in and wake up slowly to coffee; I dream about what it would be like to be one of those people.

Until then…I’m working on balancing a life that will continue to make me smile until I’m 85 years old.